Tuesday 12 February 2013

Filming - Day 3: Final Day

Today was a huge success. Practically everyone was late for the call time, (including myself) and we didn't start filming until about 11am, instead of the original 9am. Regardless, we started filming and it went very well. Again we made some changes to certain shots and set ups, including some script changes. We finished about an hour after our planned finish time, but as no one had to be anywhere and everyone was quite content with the process, we continued and finished around 5pm. All the data was stored on Jodie's laptop for safe keeping and will be transferred to the iMacs on Monday to begin editing. Everyone was happy to finish, so much so that we decided to have a small house party on the location that night. Everyone did a great job and it was a fantastic night too. I'm sure the outtakes will go down a treat. The photos below are from the final shot that we filmed and is also the final shot in the script. The first photo was the smoke coming from the bed, the second is a cropped version with a colour applied that makes the smoke look like the bed is on fire. A great shot to wrap with.

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